She Shall Be SOAR Scholarship

Our Mission

and Vision

Enrich and empower the lives of girls, teens, and women by boldly embracing their identity, connecting to build stronger communities, and be the change.

Scholarship Program

She Shall Be awards scholarships to high school graduates and women pursuing higher education goals. The SOAR Scholarship is given to qualified recipients who will receive scholarships in various amounts.

All Scholarship are paid by directly to the awarded recipient.

Scholarship recipients are invited to the May luncheon where they are recognized for their achievements with an opportunity to share their experiences with the members, family, friends, and community leaders. Scholarship awards are eligible for payment after June 1.

Application Criteria:

  • Be a female US citizen and currently residing in Texas.
    Active SSB member.
  • Be pursuing higher education in a 4-year, 2-year, adult education extension curriculum or technical or vocational program.
  • Have proof of needing assistance i.e., Financial Aid approval.
  • Have a record of academic performance balanced with community involvement, outside interests, and experiences.
  • 300-word or more essay submission topic TBD.
  • Completed Application to be submitted yearly by Feb 6.
  • Interviews with selected applicants will be in March in person or virtual.


    1. This signed and dated application form.
    2. Attached type-written personal statement (guidelines are on application Criteria).
    3. One reference letter from a teacher, professor, supervisor, or mentor currently involved in your life in the last 3 years who can speak to your character, leadership, and passion to study. Submitted directly to [email protected] by the person providing the reference (guidelines are on application Criteria).
    4. 300-word or more essay submission topic TBD.
    5. An attached transcript (does not need to be an “official” transcript) of all high school and post-secondary courses completed through December. (Transcripts are not necessary for coursework completed more than seven years ago).
    6. Proof of enrollment at a 2- or 4-year college.
    7. Attached copy of FAFSA form.

    (You may be asked to provide documents proving your citizenship or permanent residency, in the event that you falsely claimed US Citizenship on this application, scholarship funds will not be awarded)