Transformed to Boldly

be Her Best Self and Be the Change

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T.E.A.C.H Affirmation

Transformed to Boldly be Her Best Self and Be the Change.

The How: By actively participating in workshops/programs to navigate life skills with SMART Goals & choices to enhance her self-awareness and spiritual growth.

Empowered to Foster a lifestyle of Stewardship Within The Community.

The How: Through service, work, and training opportunities.

Audaciously Equipped to Meet Life Challenges.

The How: Provide necessary survival tools in an ever-changing world by educating on topics such as body shaming, bullying, unsafe environments, and mental health.

Confident to Embrace Her Natural Born Beauty, Uniqueness, and God-given Gifts.

The How: Offering enrichment programs that provide mentoring, encouraging feminine health and self-care, crafting, dance, literary art, and opportunities to enhance career paths.

Harmoniously Supporting Sisterhood and Creating Unity.

The How: Through prayer, building family relationship, listening, and uplifting one another to be daughters of God.

Ages and Stages

Rising Stars (Ages 7+)

During this stage, girls learn to develop confidence and the ability to problem-solve combining their uniqueness to confidently be the change. We mix fun and learning in cooking classes, crafts and beauty camps allowing HER to express talents in a safe environment.

HER potential and gifts are greater than her size because she was beautifully created to Rise.

Illuminators (Ages 13+)

Emerging from adolescence to a teenager is exciting as they push to be confidently comfortable with who they are. Life is moving at such a fast pace with outside influences from friends and social media at times making demands; questioning their beauty and self-worth often being body shamed and compared to others who do not serve the important position of a positive role model. She Shall Be will help HER tap into amazing talents Identifying gifts, learning social etiquette, beauty and fashion tips, and fun activities that enhance spiritual growth.

She will be a leader and not a follower because she is fearfully and wonderfully made to Illuminate with confidence and be HER best self.

Trailblazers (Ages 21+)

Women today are faced with many facets of responsibilities that often present life challenges; She Shall Be will offer resources to help navigate these challenges transforming HER from great to greater. She will spread HER wings by focusing on the essentials of physical and mental health, increasing self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence.

Trailblazers will walk away with Love, Wisdom, and Faith to catapult HER to be the change.

Impact (Ages 60+)

Creates a safe and nurturing space where women can explore their faith, share testimonies, and support each other in their spiritual journeys. Whether through prayer meetings, study groups, or simple conversations, the community inspires women to continue growing in their faith and serving as pillars of strength for their families and younger women looking up to them. Impact HER not only provides a platform for older women to share their wisdom and experiences but also serves as a space for mentorship, collaboration, and mutual growth. The community fosters an environment where women can build meaningful relationships, gain new perspectives, and share in each other’s joys and challenges. Through shared experiences, love, and faith, the community strives to uplift each other and ensure their legacy lives on.

Trailblazers will walk away with Love, Wisdom, and Faith to catapult HER to be the change.

“Since we find ourselves fashioned into all these excellently formed and marvelously functioning parts in Christ’s body, let’s just go ahead and be what we were made to be.” Romans 12:5 (Msg)
